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a blog by
Public Innovation

Our Favorite Civic Innovation Videos from 2013

At Public Innovation, we're passionate about video as a medium for telling stories. While we would've loved to produce much more content this year, bootrapping doesn't exactly avail itself to the time intensive process of shooting and editing high quality video. But, luckily, there were some great videos this year that offer an assortment of lessons and inspiration for anyone working in the civic innovation space.

Here are our Top 12 in no particular order:

Brad Feld at The LAB Miami

Jennifer Bradley: A Sharing Economy That Serves All

Alexis Madrigal: Why Startups Need To Solve Real Problems Again

Mike Bracken's Keynote at the 2013 Code for America Summit

Eric Ries: State of the Lean Startup

Rafa Galeano: What is Innovation?

Tony Hsieh: The City as the Start-Up

The Metropolitan Revolution: Where is Power in America?

Code for the Future

Code for Sacramento: How Civic Hacking Helps Our Cities

Simon Sinek: Why Leaders Eat Last

Bonus Video: Scratching the Sky